Rotary Kilns
Direct Fired Rotary Kiln, Pilot and Commercial Scale
For processing at temperatures of up to 3,000 °F (1,635 °C)
Direct Fired Rotary Kilns
Direct fired rotary kilns are refractory lined cylinders arranged with a refractory lined breeching on one end with a gas-fired burner that fires down the centerline of the cylinder.
The kiln can be arranged for parallel flow or counterflow heating. Direct radiation from hot combustion products to the process material is the primary mode of heat transfer. The heat transfer rate and process atmosphere composition/volume are dependent, therefore consideration must be given to process material compatibility with combustion products as well as the gas velocity. In addition to the combustion products, other gases such as steam can be introduced into the kiln atmosphere.
Direct Fired Rotary Kilns from Thermal Processing Solutions are particularly suited to a variety of applications that:
Require high temperature
Benefit from direct heat transfer from hot combustion products
Processes require an oxidizing atmosphere with the possible addition of steam
Benefit from a point source of heat and do not require manipulation of temperature profile
Tolerate the process gas sweeping velocity
Tolerate direct contact with refractory
Benefit from direct solid/gas contact. Materials that are conduction heat transfer limited which benefit from the dynamic exposure to a radiant heat source
Require a volatile component to be thermally desorbed from a substrate
A Directly Fired kiln can be supplied pre-assembled on a mainframe for smaller kilns, or from larger kilns as subassemblies for field erection and refractory installation. The kiln is normally provided with a pre-piped and prewired rack-mounted combustion system, with terminations located in an electrical marshaling panel, thereby reducing the installation and startup time required.